Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Ep # 11 - December 2014 - The Barnsey Podcast

Episode 11 [originally aired 31 March 2015]

Another episode from the end of 2014 now uploaded in March 2015. Episode 11 sees Brewer and Barnsey discuss:
* Old school movie trailers, there seemed to be one "go to guy" for action movie voiceovers
* The season of new TV shows and the crap way TV networks promote them
* Talking about some subjects in a podcast format helps resolve issues that were bouncing around in your head
* People saying Spolier Alert!
* Public Buses that sit still at stops on your way to work
* Barnsey is not a fan of Simon Pegg
* 3D printing.. a 3D printer
* Story of getting a rare part on Barnsey's tape machine replaced.. could have been so much easier with 3D printing
* Watching some one else text with emoticons is a strange experience

This audio is taken from our Youtube channel which includes video - www.goo.gl/hl0llZ
Interact with us and see follow up articles on our Facebook - www.goo.gl/uJJLnP
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Friday, 27 March 2015

Ep # 10 - with Mitch Hertz - The Barnsey Podcast

Episode 10 [originally aired March 27th, 2015]

We are back.. this episode was recorded in December 2014 and is now released a few months later. Returning to the podcast is Mitch Hertz for Ep # 10, which sees Brewer, Barnsey and Mitch discuss
* The new Terminator film
* Barnsey story about seeing Terminator 1 for the 1st time
* Final Destination movies
* The rise of YouTube celebrities like PewDiePie and the South Park rip
* Seaseme Street still has the kid market
* Trying to brush off stacking your bike when you do it in front of strangers
* Mitch gets hit by a car, Barnsey tells a story of a friend who also got hit on a freeway
* Sydney traffic sucks
* Public transport sucks an even bigger one

This audio is taken from our Youtube channel which includes video - www.goo.gl/hl0llZ
Interact with us and see follow up articles on our Facebook - www.goo.gl/uJJLnP
Click here to subscribe on youtube or here for Our Facebook Page